Simple | Elegant | Glamorous
We offer bespoke dresses that make women from all shapes, sizes and ages, not only look beautiful, but also FEEL beautiful for that special event. We believe in building honest, trusting, and long-lasting relationships with our clients.
Jasmine Fashion Design Studio

Start with inspiration…
At our dress design studio, we value the unique ideas and preferences of our clients. They entrust us with their vision, and it is our pleasure to transform it into the perfect dress that matches their individual style and budget. We believe in collaboration and understanding our clients' desires, so we work closely with them throughout the entire design process. By carefully listening to their ideas and incorporating our expertise, we bring their dreams to life. Our skilled designer and dedicated seamstress meticulously craft each dress, ensuring that every detail reflects the client's vision. From choosing the finest fabrics to designing exquisite embellishments, we prioritize quality and attention to detail. With our commitment to creating the perfect dress, our clients leave our studio feeling confident and beautiful, knowing their unique style has been captured.
Want to know more about us?
We believe in style over fashion, because…
“Fashion fades. Style is eternal.” ~ Yves Saint Laurent
Our mission is to create outfits that are of excellent quality and that never goes out of fashion. Our design style is simple, elegant and glamorous. We have an extreme passion for fashion and dress making, and we are so thankful that we get to share our passion with you!.
Beautiful thoughts from our clients
Linda janke
”Baie dankie vir Kay-Lee se pragtige rok. Sy het baie komplimente gekry en daar is selfs gesê dat sy die mooiste van almal gelyk het.”
Marietha hicks
” Eloïse, ek oordryf nie as ek vir jou moet vertel hoeveel komplimente katherine gekry het nie. Haar rok was stunning en sy het regtig soos ‘n prinses gelyk en voel. Mense wat ek maande laas mee gepraat het, het my gebel en gesê hoe mooi sy gelyk het, en almal wasa mal oordie rok, so dankie vir jou.”
Ankia Jacobs
“Duisend dankies! Die rok is so mooi! Presies wat ek wou gehad het.”